Showing posts with label close up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label close up. Show all posts

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Wild Strawberry

I am always amazed at the way we have domesticated and changed plants.  More recently, concerns over genetically modified plants....  We have been able to 'naturally' modify plants such as this strawberry which basically produces a fruit the size of a pea covered in seeds to a fruit the size of a golf ball or more.  

Politics aside, I love the beauty of plants that are 'wild' versions of what I know.  This image was shot in raw so I was able to crop over half of the image out to frame a much nicer photo.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Salmon Berry

It is finally that time of year.  Walking through any park, there will be salmon berries growing.  Their season is usually from mid May to mid July depending on how much light filters through the forest canopy.  This photo was made on a sunny day with my Nikon D-60.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Chive Blossom

We have have a wonderful chive garden out of our front door.  While this was not shot with a macro lens, I was able to use my 200 mm zoom.  I have gained more joy out of my chives than most flowers in the garden.  They are very hardy, start growing and blooming early in the Spring and the flowers are just dieing now in early July.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Paeony with Ant help

Each Year I am amazed at the work of these ants.  Without them, the Paeony blossoms won't open without the help of the ants.  I was trying to capture them at work, but they scurry about incredibly.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Black Tulip

This beautiful image of a tulip flower was taken with my Pentax Optio.  It has incredible Macro ability.  The glow is from natural sunlight.  I basically placed the camera inside the tulip to make the photo.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Crocus Backdrop

This photo was made in March 2008.  I don't recall the name of the flower in the foreground.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Crocus and Bee

Just before the Crocus started to fade, the bees came out.  I had to sit patiently waiting for a bee to be in just the right spot to make this photo.  (And hope if didn't fly away before I could press the shutter.)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Blooming Crocus

If you check my archive, I love photographing the crocus in my garden. The colours are so vibrant and provide a bed of colour to make photographs.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Frosty Grass

While it has been a cold June for us in BC, we don't have frost. This was taken this winter. The growth of ice crystals was just amazing.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wedding White Woses

I couldn't resist the the alliteration.  I have not raised white roses so really enjoy opportunities to photograph them.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


You don't have to go far to capture beauty.  This was taken in my backyard last summer.  

Friday, June 13, 2008

Vibrant colour

The colour range on this is beautiful.  I have not adjusted the colours at all.  When I am making photographs of flowers, sometimes it is a debate of how much flower to show for the right effect.  I think this benefits from the range of colour, but should have been composed either closer or further away.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Field of Daisies

We live near a fen and there is a stretch that has masses of daisies.  This was taken last year walking to work.  I am impressed with how digital photography has advanced to capture such finite details as the pollen on the petals in the top right.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


We moved into our current house just over 4 years ago at Christmas.  It was neat to see everything for the first time.  I had never grown a Paeony before.  Somebody told me that they would be covered with ants.  I didn't think so since I had never seen these ants around the year.  Each year, they faithfully arrive and chew away at the flowers to help them open.  

This is one of about 8 buds from last year.  I did some research to find out that if you add ash to the soil, the number of blooms increases.  I put our fireplaces ashes on the ground this spring and now have over 100 buds developing.  I hope to be sharing some wonderful photos of this year's display shortly.